
This is the website of Quantimetrix Corporation. Contact information, including our postal address can be obtained by clicking on the Contact tab under the home page of the website. You can reach us via email by submitting a message through any of the links located throughout our website.

Information Collected
The only information collected is merely used to fulfill requests such as obtaining information on our company’s products, placing a purchase order, or enrolling in our Quantrol program.

We do not use cookies to track and record any of your activity while visiting our website nor do we store any of your information on our site.

If you do not want to receive email from us, please select the “To be removed from our mailing list” link located at the bottom of the email message.

Ad Servers
We do not partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies. Neither banner ads nor any other kind of advertisement will ever appear on our website. If you have reason to believe this site is not following its stated privacy policy, you may contact us at any of the contact points located throughout our website.